教师基本信息表 |
1、个人基本信息: |
姓 名:孟文康 |
性 别: 男 |
出生年月:1996年4月 |
技术职称: 讲师 |
毕业院校: 四川大学 |
学历(学位): 博士 |
所在学科:港口航道与海岸工程 |
2、学习和工作经历: |
2024/07至今,37000vip威尼斯,水利与环境工程学院,讲师 2020/09-2024/06,四川大学,水利水电学院/山区河流保护与治理全国重点实验室,博士 2018/09-2020/06,四川大学,水利水电学院/水力学与山区河流开发保护国家重点实验室,硕士 2014/09-2018/06,郑州大学,水利水电工程,学士 |
3、目前研究领域: |
本人主要从事水动力学及环境流体力学研究工作,包括但不限于: (1)水-气两相流数值模拟研究 (2)流-固耦合模拟研究 (3)水-气-沙多相流数学模型 (4)水力学及河流动力学 (5)环境与生态水力学 (6)溃决洪水/异重流/水-沙多相流 |
4、主持在研或已完成主要课题: |
5、主要科研成果(发表学术论文、出版著作、授权发明专利): [1] Ruidong An, Shengji Yu, Ching-hao Yu, Wenkang Meng*. Numerical simulation of breaking wave propagation under various gate lifting speeds by a level set method. Ocean Engineering, (2024), 119162. [2] Wenkang Meng, Ching-hao Yu, Jia Li, Ruidong An. A coupling algorithm of the Coupled Level Set and Volume Of Fluid/Immersed Boundary method and Adaptive Mesh Refine method for simulating multiphase flows. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36(9). [3] Wenkang Meng, Ching-hao Yu, Jia Li, Ruidong An. Three-dimensional simulation of silted-up dam-break flow striking a rigid structure. Ocean Engineering, 261 (2022), 112042. [4] Wen-kang Meng, Ching-hao Yu, Jia Li, Rui-dong An. Numerical simulations of air-water flow and rigid-body motion based on two-liquid CLSVOF/IB method and overset mesh. Ocean Engineering, 256 (2022), 111455. [5] Wenkang Meng, Lei Liao, Ching-Hao Yu, Jia Li, Ruidong An. Eulerian–Eulerian multiphase models for simulating collapse of submarine sediment column with rheological characteristics in air–water flow. Physics of Fluids, 33 (2021), 113301. [6] Wenkang Meng, Lei Liao, Min Chen, Ching-hao Yu, Jia Li, Ruidong An. An enhanced CLSVOF method with an algebraic second-reconstruction step for simulating incompressible two-phase flows. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 154 (2022), 104151. [7] Wen-kang Meng, Ching-hao Yu, Jia Li, Rui-dong An. Numerical simulation of gas-liquid two-phase flow impacting fixed structure by CLSVOF/IB method based on OpenFOAM. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2021, 42241. [8] Yu, Chinghao, Li, Yulon, Meng, Wenkang, An, Ruidong. Numerical Simulation of Dam-Break Flood Impacting Buildings by a Volume of Fluid and Immersed Boundary Method. Frontiers in Earth Science, 813(2020), 303. [9] Lei Liao, Ruidong An, Jia Li, Wenmin Yi, Xiaofan Liu, Wenkang Meng, Lei Zhu. Hydraulic characteristics of stepped spillway dropshafts for urban deep tunnel drainage systems: the case study of Chengdu city. Water Science and Technology, 80(2019), 1538-1548. [10] Zhenghua Gu; Tinghui Wang; Wenkang Meng; Ching-hao Yu; Ruidong An. Numerical investigation of silted-up dam-break flow with different silted-up sediment heights. Water Supply (2023) 23 (2): 599-614. [11] 孟文康,安瑞冬,李嘉,李芳,游景皓. 基于雅鲁藏布江辫状河流的洪峰流量输沙变异数值模拟. 工程科学与技术, 2020, 52(04), 176-183. [12] 安瑞冬,游景皓,廖磊,孟文康,李嘉. 深层隧道排水系统中井隧水力学特性研究. 水利学报. 2021, 52(12), 1498-1507. |
6、 所获学术荣誉及学术影响: |
暂无 |
7、联系电话: 联系邮箱:mengwenkang@csust.edu.cn |