2019.09-2022.12 同济大学 工学博士
导师:吴昊 教授(国防卓青、国家优青),周德源 教授
2014.09-2017.06 湖南大学 工学硕士
导师:肖岩 教授(国家特聘专家)
2010.09-2014.06 南华大学 工学学士
[1] 飞机撞击能源结构(核电站、LNG储罐等)效应的安全性评估方法
[2] 能源结构抗外部和内部爆炸的安全性评估方法
[3] 结构抗冲击爆炸性能的快速评估与设计方法
[4] 超高性能混凝土结构抗冲击爆炸性能提升技术
[1] 国家青年自然科学基金项目《典型冲击和爆炸作用下超大型液化天然气储罐损伤破坏机理与评估方法》(2024.01-2026.12) 主持
[2] 37000vip威尼斯土木工程创新性项目《刚性飞射物撞击作用下超大型液化天然气储罐穹顶损伤破坏机理》(2023.04-2025.12) 主持
[3] 湖南省大学生创新训练项目《高性能混凝土在储罐抗飞机撞击中的应用》(2023.05-2025.12) 第一指导教师
[4] 湖南省教育厅科学研究重点项目《火灾加固后既有结构继续服役剩余寿命预测方法及耐久性研究》(2023.09-2025.12) 参与
[5] 国家自然科学基金项目《大型客机撞击下核电站屏蔽及附属厂房的损伤破坏与振动响应研究》 主要参与人
[6] 国家自然科学基金项目《爆炸荷载作用下喷涂聚脲加固砌体墙的损伤破坏机理与设计方法》 主要参与人
[7] 中国工程物理研究院项目《典型混凝土构件平面波毁伤效应实验》 主要完成人
近五年在相关研究领域发表学术论文15篇,其中SCI收录14篇,JCR Q1分区12篇,EI收录15篇,列表如下:
[1] Peng Q, Wu H, Jia P C, Ma L L. Dynamic behavior of UHPC member under lateral low-velocity impact: Mesoscale analysis. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2023, 172: 104418. (SCI/EI, Q1)
[2] Peng Q, Zhou D Y, Wu H, Ma L L, Fang Q. Experimental and numerical studies on dynamic behaviors of RC slabs under long-duration near-planar explosion loadings. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2022, 160: 104085. (SCI/EI, Q1)
[3] Peng Q, Wu H, Zhang R F, Fang Q. Numerical simulations of base-isolated LNG storage tanks subjected to large commercial aircraft crash. Thin-Walled Structures. 2021, 163: 107660. (SCI/EI, Q1)
[4] Peng Q, Wu H, Wang D W, He Y J, Chen H. Numerical simulation of aircraft crash on large-scale LNG storage tank. Engineering Failure Analysis. 2019, 96: 60-79. (SCI/EI, Q2) (衡阳市第二十三届自然科学优秀学术论文特等奖)
[5] Peng Q, Wu H, Jia P C, Ma L L, Fang Q. Numerical studies on rebar-concrete interactions of RC members under impact and explosion. Structures. 2023, 47: 63-80. (SCI/EI, Q1)
[6] 彭琦, 吴昊, 方秦, 卢红标. 长持时平面爆炸波作用下RC梁动力响应研究, 建筑结构学报, 2023, 44(3):87-101. (EI)(封面文章)
[7] Jia P C, Wu H, Fang Q, Peng Q, Ma L L. TDOF model for UHPC members under lateral low-velocity impact. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2023, 174: 104520. (SCI/EI, Q1)
[8] Shan B, Deng J Y, Wu J M, Peng Q, Li T Y, Xiao Y. Mechanical Performance of Toothed Metal-Plate Connected Glubam Joints. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2022, 34(12): 04022328. (SCI/EI, Q2)
[9] Jia P C, Wu H, Ma L L, Peng Q. Feasibility of UHPC shields in spent fuel vertical concrete cask to resist accidental drop impact. Nuclear Engineering and Technology. 2022, 54(11): 4146-4158. (SCI/EI, Q1)
[10] Zhao X, Yu X Y, Cai L, Peng Q, Wu H, Zhou F. The effects of tensile strain rate on the dynamic tensile behavior of ultra high toughness cementitious composite. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023, 68: 106199. (SCI/EI, Q1)
[11] Tang Z, Li W G, Peng Q, Tam V W, Wang K J. Study on the failure mechanism of geopolymeric recycled concrete using digital image correlation method. Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials. 2022, 11(2): 113-126. (SCI/EI, Q1)
[12] Zhou F, Cheng Y H, Peng Q, Wu H. Influence of steel reinforcement on the performance of an RC structure subjected to a high-velocity large-caliber projectile. Structures, 2023, 54:716-731. (SCI/EI, Q1)
[13] Tang Z, Shan B, Li W G, Peng Q, Xiao Y. Structural behavior of glubam I-joists. Construction and Building Materials. 2019, 224: 292-305. (SCI/EI, Q1)
[14] Wu J Y, Yu Q Q, Peng Q, Gu X L. Seismic responses of liquid storage tanks subjected to vertical excitation of near-fault earthquakes. Engineering Structures, 2023, 289:116284. (SCI/EI, Q1)
[15] Tang Z, Li W G, Peng Q, Yan L B. Quasi-Static Cyclic Behavior of CFRP-Confined Geopolymeric Composites. Journal of Composites for Construction, 27(6):04023051. (SCI/EI, Q1)