聂六英,女,汉族, 1974年1月出生,博士。2004年,毕业于湖南师范大学物理系,获硕士学位,2007毕业于湖南大学,获材料物理与化学专业博士学位。
(1)Nie Liu-Ying, Li Chun-Xian, Zhou Xiao-Ping, Wang Cheng-Zhi, and Cheng Fang. Thermal conductance in a two-slit quantum waveguide. Chin. Phys.B 2012, 21(2):026301-1-026301-6
(2)Nie Liu-Ying, Li Chun-Xian, Zhou Xiao-Ping, Cheng Fang, and Wang Cheng-Zhi. Effects of controllable defects on thermal conductance in a nanowire with a quantum box. Acta Phys. Sin.,2011,60(11):116301-1-116301-6
(3)Liu-Ying Nie, Lingling Wang, L.H. Zhao and Ke-Qiu Chen. Acoustic phonon transport and thermal conductance in a multiple channels nanostructure. Physics Letters A, 2007, 364(3-4):343-347
(4)Liu-Ying Nie, Lingling Wang, Ke-Qiu Chen, B. S. Zou and L. H. Zhao Thermal conductance in quantum wire with two obstacles. Physica E,2007,39(2):185-190
(5)Liu-Ying Nie, Lingling Wang, L.H. Zhao, Wei-Qing Huang, Li-Ming Tang, Xin-Jun Wang and Ke-Qiu Chen. The influence of boundary conditions on thermal conductance in semiconductor quantum wire with structural defect. Physics Letters A, 2006, 359(3): 234-240
E-mail: nieliuying@163.com